Another Column at MyShelf.Com

Before the Title, Past
A Nonfiction Column
By Willie Elliott

But Is It Really a Book


This column on this book is different from most others that I usually do. It is a book, it has covers, it has pages and it contains useful information but it has no ISBN and no publisher per se. In a way it is an advertisement but an effective one. You can get this book by ordering it from the Nutribullet system or you can buy it separately for $20 whereas the whole system which comes with the book is $211 (at Best Buy). Or you can wait a few months and get a really good price on the system and all at a bargain price on eBay or that is my opinion on the matter. Of course I am talking about Nature's Prescription for Optimum Health by the NutriBullet system.

The book is inviting with lovely pics of fruits and vegetables ready to be pulverized into a healthy mixture suitable for replacement of a ordinary meal. Quite frankly the ones that have the green vegetables look as if they come from Slime Holler and I say, “No, thank you. I will forgo the meal this time. My wife says I should get over the look as she insists each of those meals taste good.

In the introduction the company tells us that over 10 million people have joined the NutriBullet Revolution and with all the talk about healthy eating that is in the media, the company has captured the attention of many buyers with “Eat Healthy.” as their slogan.

The book has charts and quizzes that helps the reader to personalize his/her recipes according to age, sex and special needs. Then the book categorizes the recipes according to colors and explains the benefits to be had from each color. For example, red is for heart health and anti-aging while orange helps with immunity. The colors covered are reds, oranges, yellows, greens and blues.

My wife using a lot of green as she wants to clean her body of agents that causes arthritis as she has some trouble with her knees and wants to avoid knee replacement.

If you want to start eating healthy, you might want to invest in the NutriBullet system or you may just want to get a copy of the book which is available from the company. The book itself is an interesting read.

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