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Face to Face:
A Mother's Account of Her Son’s Suicide Attempt And Its Aftermath

by Judith Casey

      Judith Casey has written an extremely painful look at what happened when her son, Chris, put a shotgun under his chin and pulled the trigger. This journal is written by a mother who has gone through some unbearable horror: the torture she felt as a mother in the time leading up to his attempted suicide and the horror she felt after seeing him without a face. It tugs at your emotions as a parent when you know that despite doing all you can for your child, it's all still really out of your control. Hindsight is painfully 20/20 in the case of a mother and a child on a path of destruction.

As a parent you may want to question the "why" of Mom’s behavior before the suicide attempt but afterward you can understand the way that a child out of control can make you do things you don’t even realize are not in their best interest in a vain attempt to save them from themselves. Best not to judge a parent before you’ve walked in those shoes. Face to Face is a glaring look into the chasm of an attempted suicide.

The Book

Calderwood Books
September 2007
More at Publisher's site

The Reviewer

Michelle Shealy
Reviewed 2008
© 2008