Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Look What I Found Underneath the Bed...

by K. (Kamaul) David

      What a fun book. I really had a good time reading this one. It is all about the moving business. Who knew it could be so interesting? I enjoyed David’s short and snappy writing style, which added a lot of punch to his wit and wisdom.

David enjoys his job and takes it very seriously, except for the humor he finds in it... like the time he was hit on the head with a hammer. That was the beginning of the determination to write this book.

David began his career as a college student looking for extra money and with it came some very interesting encounters, acknowledging that you can learn a lot about a person when you look under their bed!

Moving furniture is a backbreaking profession, and it was nice to read a mover’s point of view as to how much he actually enjoyed his job, so much so that he has been at it for 15 years. He now works for Marathon Moving Company in Boston, Massachusetts.

To add to the fun, I may leave my copy of the book under my bed for the next occupant of my house if I ever move. They should find it a pleasant surprise. I will definitely have more respect for these men now. What they go through to get the job done and how much effort they put into making sure that your personal possessions are protected usually goes unnoticed. But, thanks to David, more people will read this book and learn the behind the scenes hard work that goes into it. Should prove to be more profitable to movers!

Read it... it’s down to earth, laughable and inspiring.

The Book

BookSurge Publishing
September, 2007
Humorous memoir
More at

The Reviewer

Nicole Merritt
Reviewed 2008
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