Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Breakfast at Sally’s
One Homeless Man’s Inspirational Journey

by Richard LeMieux

      Richard LeMieux’s Breakfast at Sally’s will cause the reader to forever more look at the homeless in a different light, not as irresponsible laggards but as human beings who got some bad breaks along the line and have not been able to work their way back to mainstream society.

The author takes his title from the Salvation Army where he eats and meets a host of other characters who are in much the same condition as he is.

The author was a successful businessman who was a victim of changing economic times.  Living with his Willow the Wonder Dog in an old van, he types out his stories and others on an old typewriter he found in a garbage dumpster.

The stories are gripping as the characters, despite their weaknesses, come across as good human beings who are worth saving.

The arrival of this book could and should help with the problem of homelessness as the country faces an economic downturn.  This book should be read by every caring adult who could say, "Except for the grace of God, there go I."  This is an important book.

The Book

Skyhorse Publishing
October 17, 2008
More at

The Reviewer

Willie Elliott
Reviewed 2009
© 2009