Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Staying True

by Jenny Sanford


In Staying True by Jenny Sanford, the former first lady of South Carolina discovered her strength to resolve issues that she could never imagine having to contend with. Sanford lived the life of the All-American business woman, wife and mother, without ever realizing that her world was crumbling around her. Sanford wanted her dream life to include her husband, but it never did. She lived in a black world (black—all life’s colors combined) and he lived in a white world (white—void of color).

The book’s title is exactly the way Sanford had hoped to live and represent life until death. Yet, the brick walls her husband put in her path became the way for her to assume how things were meant to be. As she dealt with the many obstacles, she hung to her faith in God and turned to bible verses and proverbs as her foundation to stand on. One old Jewish proverb that sustained her, which she recorded in her book, went "I ask not for a lighter burden but, for broader shoulders," all to continue living the All-American dream. While Sanford wrote that she used her parents and grandparents as examples to follow, she also wrote about how difficult she found it to not see the same loving attributes in her marriage to Mark Sanford, as a congressman and as a governor. All and all Sanford found that no matter the challenges or the deceit she encountered in her marriage, she was still blessed in her own eyes. She said, "I have been unwavering in my quest for understanding—for growth, knowledge, wisdom and discernment."

I found Sanford’s book brought memories of an old saying to my mind. It goes "God never hands you any more than you can handle." Sanford seemed to feel exactly that; no matter the trials and tribulations she went through, she accepted what God handed her and that was her goal. And as she wrote her book, at the end she said, "With the strength of my faith and the blessings in my midst I am ready for the next chapter of my life where I hope to fully live each day, love each moment and find joy along the way." And I concur. Read Staying True by Jenny Sanford and really learn how faith does heal all wounds.

The Book

Ballantine Books
February 5, 2010
More at

The Reviewer

Sylvia McClain
Reviewed 2010
NOTE: Reviewer Sylvia McClain is the author of the 2nd edition of The Write Life: A Beginning Writers Writing Guide and Skipping Through Life: The Reason I Am. She is also editor of the Scribal News Calendar, a newsletter of writer events and happenings.
© 2010