Another Review at MyShelf.Com

You Are the Reason
A Survivor's Guide to Ultimate Strength

by Jonathan Craig


After going through the horrific events of being raped and contracting AIDS, Jonathan Craig used his experience to write a moving memoir that gives hope to other people who are facing a terminal illness.

While staying with a female friend, Craig was raped by the girl's uncle. The question that arises is why Craig kept going back for more sexual encounters. The author himself asserts that he cannot explain why he didn't report the incident to authorities since he was a minor at the time of the incident.

This aside, Craig gives advice and encouragement to those facing a death-ending illness. Even though he directs his message to such patients, his advice is relevant for anyone who needs encouragement in meeting the demands of daily life. The book should be placed in the hands of anyone facing imminent death (and their caregivers). It would help such people get the most out of the life they have here on earth.

The Book

Borderline Publishers
November 2009
Nonfiction / Memoir
More at

The Reviewer

Willie Elliott
Reviewed 2010
NOTE: Reviewer Willie Elliott is's "Before the Title" columnist, covering non-fiction books and related subjects.
© 2010