Another Review at MyShelf.Com

By Susan Hertog

Double Day    - 1999
ISBN: 038546973X
Nonfiction / Biography

Reviewed by: Pam Stone, MyShelf.Com

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This book is the only complete portrait of Anne Lindbergh and the only one that Anne participated in. Susan Hertog was granted access to Anne for 5 years of exclusive interviews between the two women. 

Anne met Charles in 1927 while visiting her parents in Mexico while her father served as ambassador of Mexico. Charles was pleased with her quick mind and fearlessness. He taught her to fly, and encouraged her to fly long distance flights with him. Anne loved the sense of freedom that she discovered in flight, but she also suffered from doubts about the marriage and her role in it. Throughout her life Anne was tortured by guilt over her infant son's death and was brought to the brink of a nervous breakdown. Her writing kept her going at times. Anne kept detailed journals that she wrote in every day, she also wrote 13 books, numerous essays, and poems. 

Susan Hertog was able to write a book about Anne Lindbergh right down to the understanding of her feelings and conflicts. I admire her work, and her writing made me feel Anne's pain and recovery. 

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