Another Review at MyShelf.Com

By Robert McCrumb

Broadway Books - 1999
ISBN: 0767904001
Nonfiction / Biography / Health

Reviewed by: Pam Stone, MyShelf.Com
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This book will help stoke victims, no matter the age, and their loved ones get the real facts, there is no watering down here. My Year Off tells us that stroke victims can make a come back, but it is mighty hard, like I said, no watering down here. As the readers learn of Robert McCrumb’s story they will feel as if they are traveling the same journey and experiencing the same emotions as he.

When Robert McCrumb awoke the morning of July 29 in 1995 he was unable to move. At the age of 42 he had a severe stroke. As Robert thrashed around in bed unable to sit upright, he wished Sarah; his wife of just 2 months was with him.  He didn’t experienced anxiety about his condition, just irritation and puzzlement. When a stroke occurs the brain suffers a hemorrhage infarct; the body experiences a colossal disturbance of its innate sensory equilibrium. Robert changed over night from a walking, talking person into an incontinent carcass, unable to make any sense out of his body. He kept passing out and wetting all over himself. 

As he recuperated his mornings consented of Sarah showing up at eight in the morning with a tiny cup with a laxative type drink and fresh clothes.  She also brought him the days post and the British newspapers, her addiction not his. Then he would be wheeled off by the nurses to have a bath, that was a laborious and exhausting process during which he tried to forget that the nurses were literally manhandling him moving him in and out of a wheel chair specially designed for use in the bath room.

Woven through the book are excerpts of Robert and Sarah’s diaries, the reader is given a glimpse into their raw feelings and emotions as they go through this tragedy.  The reader will hear the self-doubt the patient goes through as to whether they will survive or what will become of them, and the depression that they go through. 

There are so many ranges of feelings in this one, it rates high on emotions. I found the book open and honest concerning strokes and their victims. It’s the kind of book we need on the market to keep us informed. This is an excellent book, one worth reading whether there is a stroke victim in your family or not.  It’s worth being informed, you will not be sorry.

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