Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Napoleon's Privates
2,500 Years of History Unzipped

by Tony Perrottet

      As a history buff who is particularly interested in the little-known anecdotes our history teachers neglected to tell us about (you know...the good stuff), I was really excited by Tony Perrottet's new book.  Napoleon's Privates takes you behind the scenes of Napoleon's autopsy and traces his purloined parts to New Jersey, where an American collector who had purchased Napoleon's member at a Parisian auction now keeps the actual relic in a suitcase under his bed. Perottet tells all about the Marquis de Sade's ongoing feud with his mother-in-law and how Churchill had double-sized condoms manufactured and labeled "Made in Britain - Medium," then sent them to Russia in a bit of off-the-wall propaganda.

Perrottet's extensive research has gleaned many exciting tidbits from history, and he has pursued the evidence to verify some of the world's most shocking secrets. He tells all about Hitler's most disgusting habit and his doctor's over-enthusiastic drug administration. The chapter on the Popes and their sinful transgressions was a shocker.

This book is better than fiction and kept me entranced to the very end. Perrottet's great sense of humor really puts vivid color back into history and humanizes our favorite people from other times.

The Book

July 1, 2008
0-06-125728-1 / 978-0-06-125728-5
More at

The Reviewer

Beverly J. Rowe
Reviewed 2008
© 2008