Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Soldiers of Reason
The RAND Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire

by Alex Abella

      One would expect a book of this nature to be an exposé composed of some facts and a lot of suggestions, all pointing to a conclusion the author wants the reader to hear.  But Alex Abella has done a superb job of providing supporting firsthand interviews and documented historical accounts to fully explain how the Rand corporation evolved into the political and economic powerhouse that always seemed to be lurking just inside the shadows of the public movers and shakers. I'm of the age and generation whose mind was jogged by Abella's mention of events and names. I found myself saying aloud, "I remember that." and wondering how the connections were made. Finally the empire is unveiled.

Though, at its heart, this is a book of history, it reads like a memoir, with spontaneous conversation and remembrances closely tied to a united theme. I finished the book feeling satisfied that I now understood how power works to create its own end at times, yet lurking in the back of my mind still is the notion that Alex Abella has so much more he wants to tell. One doesn't have to be a student of World or American History to enjoy this book. One simply has to have an inquisitive mind, wanting to know how the pieces of the puzzle have been made to fit together. Wonderful book.

The Book

May 12, 2008
ARC for Hardcover
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The Reviewer

Chris Querry
Reviewed 2008
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