Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Nazi Hunters
Andrew Nagorski

Simon & Schuster
May 17, 2016/ ISBN 9781476771861
World History / War

Reviewed by Richard Morelli


The Nazi Hunters by Andrew Nagorski is a revealing overview of the story of a group of men and women who refused to let the crimes committed by Nazi war criminals be "forgotten." Since this historical pursuit for justice has drawn to a close due to deaths of these war criminals, Nagorksi lays out the argument that this post WWII drive for justice "transformed our fundamental notions of right and wrong" and was without historical precedence.

This pursuit for justice was not without its controversy, given the diverse countries involved, various trials held, and strong determined personalities involved. Among the areas the book delves into are the Nuremberg trials right after WWII; West Germany's struggle to acknowledge its Nazi past through several large show trials, although a number of ex-Nazi officials were not prosecuted; the relentless pursuit of criminals by Nazi Hunters Simon Wiesenthal, German prosecutor Fritz Bauer, and French couple Beate and Serge Klarsfeld; Israeli efforts to exact both revenge and justice in the case of Adolph Eichmann; and the belated American efforts to go after aging accused Nazi war criminals living in the US.

Nagorski does a good job navigating us through the politics of hunting, capturing and putting on trial Nazi war criminals. Nagorski describes in detail the tensions and disagreement on priorities and approaches in bringing to justice these criminals. What stands out is the lack of an overall consensus on pursuing specific legal remedies. Nagorksi reminds us that even the Nuremberg Trials were not without controversy and detractors in the US.

The real evil of these criminals was that most were "little people" who blindly followed bureaucratic directives and were guilty because of their complicity and actions in the Nazi criminal enterprise. Above all, this is a story of dedicated Nazi Hunters who, through personal commitment, sacrifice and absolute dedication, sought to bring these criminals to justice.

Reviewed 2016