Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The White Devil
Justin Evans

release / ISBN 978-0-06-172827-3

Reviewed by Carmen Ferreiro

The White Devil is a gothic horror story that takes place in Harrow, a boys-only British boarding high school.

The story starts with Andrew Taylor, a seventeen-year-old American boy standing in front of one of the old-fashioned schoolhouses lining a street. Andrew is used to modern buildings spread out on carefully kept grounds and is shocked by the contrast. And so are we readers as we enter with him into the old dormitory where the ghost of a boy, who was, once, Lord Byron's lover, still waits for his old love.

But with Andrew's arrival, his wait is over because Andrew looks like Byron. Thinking Byron has returned, the ghost reveals himself to Andrew, and when Andrew ignores him, his old jealousy is renewed. This misunderstanding starts a series of events that will break the boundaries between past and present, will reintroduce a deadly strain of TB among the students, and will bring the four hundred year old school to the point of closing.

To save his friends from certain death, Andrew must find out why the boy's ghost is still there so he can fight him on his own terms. But the cost of doing so may be higher than what he had bargained for.

Justin Evans has created a creepily realistic setting for his story. His characters are utterly believable and sympathetic, even those -- especially those -- who are no heroes. Students and teachers are fully realized. The relationships and dialogues between the characters are most satisfying, and the transitions between past and present, between real and paranormal events flow seamlessly.

I found the information on the life and adventures of Lord Byron that is spread throughout the novel fascinating. It never overwhelms, but adds an extra dimension to the story.
Highly recommended.

Reviewer Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban is the author of a YA fantasy Two Moon Princess and four nonfiction titles.

Reviewed 2011
© 2011