Celtic and Oriental Designs
By Tiny Van Der Plas & Janet Wilson
Search Press - June 2002
ISBN 1903975328 - PB
Nonfiction / How-To Books / Paper crafts

Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde,
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Last July I reviewed Tea Bag Folding and now, for all of you who love this fascinating craft and have done all the folds ad nauseam, here is another book full of paper fun to keep you happy for many hours. Its publication coincides with the production of a new range of Janet's teabag papers and the subtitle of this book tells all as to the theme: Celtic and Oriental designs.

This is marketed as a book for anybody, even beginners, but if you are scratching your head and imagining some guide to making soggy used teabags into some unguessable recycled form then you would be much, much better off if you buy the excellent Tea Bag Folding first. There is very much a book two feel about this primer with forays into the mysterious and more advanced worlds of origami, paper cutting and paper engineering and more advanced folders will be cheering at this, for there are several very good books on the market (some in Dutch and by Tiny among others) aimed at the beginner end of the crafting spectrum. This is wisely something more challenging.

As with the first book, the diagrams are clear and relatively easy to follow for anybody who is not a total beginner to the world of paper crafts. It isn't a "gallery" book either as all the items have instructions for their manufacture and I was delighted to see that as well as cards you can make wind chimes, pictures, box decorations and a hanging ornament. As well as teabag papers the book makes use of Japanese craft materials, rubber stamps, embossing stencils and the intriguing paper burning which is done with a pyrography iron. In short, this is a book that is aimed at the papercraft enthusiast who has more at hand than the very basics.

As with the first book this is a beautiful and inspiring book that would appeal to any keen papercrafter who wants to improve their teabag folding skills and have a go at the very neglected crafts of papercutting and paper engineering. When is book three coming out?

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