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Publisher: Time-Warner Audio Books
Release Date: April 2003
ISBN: 1-58621-531-0
Format Reviewed: Compact Disk
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Genre: Business
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Jo Rogers
Reviewer Notes:

How to Grow When Markets Don’t
By Adrian Slywotzky and Richard Wise, with Karl Weber 

      How does a business grow when the markets are stagnant? There are ways many old-line companies are turning to that are keeping them from going under. Let’s face it, new products are only a stopgap solution, temporary at best. Unless your new idea is light years ahead of what’s on the market or totally new, even the technology craze can’t make a company grow for long. Save your research and development dollars and look to your company’s hidden assets to provide growth.

      What are these hidden assets? They are areas of expertise and knowledge that one company may use to help another company improve its performance. For example, is your company a wizard at solving those technology problems that leave other companies in your industry floundering? If so, sell those solutions to other companies. If those companies are already your customers, so much the better. You’ve put them ahead of the competition, and they will be grateful.

     Or, perhaps you have a service you’re marketing to a finite group of people when you could offer it to many. General Motors began offering their Onstar service only to Cadillac owners who had it installed by the dealer. Customers loved it. Other companies began copycatting the idea. To save the service, GM began making the equipment factory installed and available to all makes of cars. Now, Onstar is a major source of GM income, letting the company continue to grow even when new car sales are flat.

     You must, however, be aware of hidden liabilities. Shortcomings can kill the efforts to use assets. This book will guide you down the path to a business future that will keep the wolves from your doors.

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