Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Jan Messent’s Wool’n Magic

by Jan Messent

      Some Search Press books have been so well-loved that they are being re-issued as Classics. This is one of them, first published back in 1989. This is not just a book on knitting, but on crochet and embroidery too, and anything else you can make with yarn, including wall hangings, lampshades, cushions and the beautiful mermaid doll on the cover.

This book is lovely to look at - something for the coffee table - written by somebody who clearly loves wool, and everything to do with it. This is not just another book about making things, but about the wool itself, and its journey from sheep to those neat balls in the shops. There are even beautiful drawings, done by the author, of a lot of different breeds of sheep; along with some facts about each of them and about wool in general from the earliest times. Learn how to make your own fun flock of sheep (great for a nativity scene!) and achieve lush texture in your work, whether abstract or pictorial.

This is not a book for beginners, but for experienced yarn crafters who want to take their passion a stage further and explore what yarn is all about. There is loads in here about design, making up garments and other items, achieving texture and tone, experimenting and above all, having a lot of fun. There are plenty of projects in here as well to get you started, but this book is essentially a starting point in itself. Highly recommended classic work on yarn craft for all true aficionados - a book for the keeper shelf.

If you cannot find yarns locally try for a list of suppliers. You can also buy this book from this site.

The Book

Search Press
September 2006
How-To Books/Yarn Crafts
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The Reviewer

Rachel A Hyde
Reviewed 2006
© 2006