Another Review at MyShelf.Com

How To Draw Fashion Figures
Susie Hodge

Search Press
14 February 2012 / ISBN 9781844487646
Paperback How-To Books/Art
Amazon US - UK

Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde

If you, like this reviewer, are a freelance pattern cutter and dressmaker then you need some professional-looking drawings to tempt potential employers. In short, you need to be able to sketch your creations like any other fashion designer and make them look great. Here's how in this book.

This is another entry in the series that shows, "in simple steps" how to progress from a few lines to the finished graphite pencil or colored drawing stage. Each step shows the last lines in green with new details added in purple so you can see what is happening and have a go yourself. No words are needed apart from one introductory page, the drawings speak for themselves. Each drawing is in six stages, and although I would prefer one more stage between #4 and #5, anybody with some knowledge of basic drawing ought to be able to work it out. Total beginners might struggle a bit but it is worth having a try with this series. Most likely types of garments are covered, from underwear to casual street wear, outfits for a day at the office or a night on the town. Nor is it just women's clothes as there are several menswear studies as well as children's wear. All the poses are different from serious to playful, giving the designer some ideas as to how to present their work. A useful book that ought to appeal to anybody who designs and makes clothes.

You find out more about UK reviewer Rachel Hyde at her blog: Green Thoughts
Reviewed 2012