Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Weaving Freeform Wire Jewelry
Step-by-step techniques, 20 versatile designs
Kaska Firor

Kalmbach Books
November 19, 2013
ISBN 978-0871167033
How To / Jewelry

Reviewed by Linda Morelli


I personally love working with beads and wire, and this book provides ideas and designs using both. Ms. Firor does an excellent job of covering the basics about wire, materials, tools and supplies, but her expertise is revealed best in her wire techniques. She covers five types of wire weaves—over-under, over-over, coiling, looping, and circular weaving—to reveal how we can create a bracelet, earrings or filigree pendant. I enjoyed reading the discussion on coiling and looping, various techniques used to make wire jewelry using beads and stones and other findings, or jewelry using wire alone. The author has included one of the most complete diagrams and instructions on wire techniques that I’ve seen in a comprehensive format, so even a beginning jewelry designer can take off running with this resource.

Even though I’ve been making wire wrapped jewelry for a while, the new techniques shown by the author have me anxious to break out my wire and make similar pieces. I love the designs she’s made using the basket weave and, fortunately, the first chapter reveals the various methods of weaving she uses in wonderful detail, with color illustrations. The balance of the book shows various designs which can be used, with your own creative input, to make truly beautiful and unique jewelry that everyone will love. I especially love the “Ribbon” bracelet, but then, there are so many wonderful designs in this book that it was truly hard to decide which one I loved best.

Easy, clear and detailed instructions, with wonderful color photographs, made Weaving Freeform Wire Jewelry an absolute winner for me.




Reviewer Linda Morelli is the award winning author of three published romance novels.
Reviewed 2014