Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Saint Michael
The Archangel
Devotions, Prayers & Living Wisdom

by Mirabai Starr (editor)

      Editor Mirabai Starr has compiled a very informative and tasteful series with his Devotions, Prayers and Living Wisdom books, which include Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Teresa of Avila (three that will be reviewed on this month), Hildegard of Bingen, and Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Starr begins his book with a personal prayer to Saint Michael for strength and courage to bring about change in this troubled world. Starr begins to capture the essence of the saint as he brings out Michael’s characteristics by telling us of his duties in heaven and stories of his mercy and compassion here on earth - one being his role in spiriting Moses away from the angry pharaoh. There are also stories of modern-day intervention by Michael.

Each of the three books in this series are pocket-sized and contain a beautiful illustration of the saint.

One poignant chapter of the books contains a conversation between Michael and God concerning Adam and Eve:

"I don’t think they meant any harm, God."

"But, Michael, I specifically told them not to pick that fruit. I had a plan for that fruit."

"You also told me you created with free will, God, and that you were curious about what they would do with it."


"And you still banished them? Would you consider letting them back into Eden?"

God smiled, "Now I am curious what they will do on earth. Aren’t you?"

"Yes, God," Michael sighed.

This is an easy-to-read book that captures the personality of one of our best known saints.

The Book

Sounds True, Inc.
November 2007
More at

The Reviewer

Willie Elliott
Reviewed 2008
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