I Don't Want To Be Lunch
By Michael Ambrosio
Illustrated by Bob Langan
LionX Publishing - April 2002
ISBN0-9716085-0-4 hardcover
Ages 4 - 8

Reviewed by: Beverly J. Rowe, MyShelf.Com
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Nutsy's Mom explains to him that he must stay in the trees today because a large bear has been seen in the neighborhood, and bears do eat squirrels. Nutsy, being a good little squirrel, does try to mind and stay in the trees. He runs along branches and flies through the air from branch to branch, until suddenly, he spots the nut of all nuts. He just couldn't resist, and suddenly, there he was, on the forest floor, hugging the delicious, awesome acorn. The hungry bear discovers him there and considers Nutsy for lunch.

Michael Ambrosio mixes humor with adventure in this unique tale with a "mind your Mom" moral and a bit of a religious theme when he prays for rescue. Bob Langan's clever illustrations add a marvelous visual banquet to the lunch table. A truly delightful book for read-aloud fun; one that kids will love to go back to again and again.

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