Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Atlas Revenge
Mad Myth Series, No. 2

by Tony and Robyn DiTocco

      In this second installment in the Mad Myth Mystery series the DiToccos take us on a wild ride between present day California and the ancient Greek mythological world. PJ, a 20 year old college student and graphic artist for a movie studio, is summoned by his old mythological friend Hermes to save the world that Hercules is trying to hold up for Atlas who has disappeared. PJ is compelled to complete Hercules' Twelve Labors in order to find Atlas and get the collapsing world back on the ancient hero's shoulders where it belongs.

PJ seems to me to be a bit younger than the 20 year old that he portrays in this fast action quest story. He encounters sorcery, tricks, and misdeeds by the other characters. Magic weapons are supplied by Athena, and PJ turns into a hero to envy. He's reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand for his college class, and he's hard pressed to keep up with classes, girlfriends, surfing, and hanging out with friends along with his nighttime forays into the mythological past of Perseus. He must solve a series of riddles to learn what is required of him next to finish the twelve labors of Hercules.

This series would lend itself well to a role playing game. The DiToccos have penned characters that we love and love to hate in a fast paced, intricately plotted adventure that will hold the interest of even reluctant readers, and teach them a bit of Greek mythology.

The Book

Brainstorm Publications, Inc.
January 15, 2005
Trade Paperback
Children/Fiction/Fantasy [Ages 8-14]
More at

The Reviewer

Beverly J. Rowe
Reviewed 2005
© 2005