Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Olive's Pirate Party

by Roberta Baker
Illustrated by Debbie Tilley

      Olive loves pirates and she plans the best pirate birthday party ever - but what will she do when the party is moved to her old Aunt Tiffany's house? - Her aunt's house is like a museum. Olive's afraid her special party will turn into "teacups and lace and scary food on fancy plates." Olive decides she'll have to take matters into her own hands, but her Aunt Tiffany has a few surprises of her own. The storyline for this book is a bit confusing for younger readers who may not be completely sure what Olive is doing in several places (the toilet paper mummy completely mystified my five year old) but for school-aged kids, Olive's love for her aunt and her can-do spirit are fun and infectious. The illustrations are lively and whimsical with the kind of little extra dialogues and details that are very engaging for school-aged who can read for themselves.

The Book

Little, Brown and Company / TimeWarner
August 2005
Picture Book
Fiction [Ages 4 - 8]
More at

The Reviewer

Jan Fields
Reviewed 2005
NOTE: Reviewer Jan Fields is the editor of Kid Magazine Writers emagazine and has written dozens of stories and articles for the children's magazine market.
© 2005