Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Football Double Threat
Matt Christopher Sports Series

by Stephanie Peters

      Rocky Fletcher is a wide receiver for the Pythons, his winning middle school football team. He is in the locker room getting ready for a game, and listening to his new hand-held music player...getting psyched up for the game. His best friend Bobby wants to listen to it, but it's brand new, and Rocky doesn't want to share it. After the game he finds Bobby in the locker room with his new music player and in the wrestling match that ensues, Bobby's leg is broken. Now the coach wants Rocky to train for Bobby's safety position. Rocky feels a bit guilty for Bobby's injury, but he is excited about training for the new position, too.

It seems like one thing after another happens to make Rocky late for practice, and the other boy that is also in training for the safety position, Jared, is beginning to play very well. Jared is a soccer player, who doesn't especially like football, and then Rocky discovers that the reason is because Jared's new step-father is the coach, and he is playing just to please his mother. Rocky feels like he has just reached his limit. Bobby manages to make him late for practice several times, sabotage his geology project, and then wants Rocky to be his campaign manager so that he can run for student council.

You can always count on Matt Christopher books for exciting, action-packed sports stories, and Stephanie Peters has written a very innovative football story that is also about many other issues: envy, revenge, loyalty, friendship, and the excitement of competition in a great sport. The easily visualized play-by-play action takes you right into the game with compelling characters and real emotion. Even reluctant readers will enjoy this electrifying story and want more.

The Book

Little, Brown Young Readers
September 1, 2008
0-316-01632-2 / 978-0-316-01632-2
Children's Fiction / Ages 9-12
More at

The Reviewer

Beverly J. Rowe
Reviewed 2008
NOTE:Reviewer Beverly J. Rowe is's "Babes to Teens" columnist, covering topics related to reading ideas for the youth in the family.
© 2008