Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Sandman

by Ralph Fletcher
Illustrated by Richard Cowdrey

      The Sandman is the fantastical tale about a tiny man named Tor, who accidentally discovers a special sleeping dust that makes adults and children fall into a deep slumber. When ground up into a fine powder or sand, the scale of a dragon will put people to sleep, if a small amount is sprinkled in their eyes.

Once Tor stumbles upon this knowledge, he ventures out at night in his button-wheel carriage, pulled by a white mouse, and sprinkles "sand" in the eyes of children who can't fall asleep. Unfortunately, Tor's supply of dragon scales must continually be replenished, and that's the most interesting part of this story!

If your child needs a little help falling asleep at night, the Sandman's tale may be just the nudge he or she needs to start the journey into Slumberland.

The Book

Henry Holt
May 27, 2008
Children's Fiction /Ages 3-8
More at

The Reviewer

Bob Walch
Reviewed 2008
© 2008