Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Backup Bunny
bY Abigail Rayner
Illustrated by Greg Stones

NorthSouth Books
March 6, 2018/ ISBN 978-0735842823
Children / Fiction / 4 - 8 years

Reviewed by Brenda Weeaks


Abigail Rayner brings young readers an adorable tale about a stuffed bunny hidden in a young mother’s sock drawer. Who is this timid bunny and why is he looking so sad? Fluffy is a backup bunny should Max lose his favorite bunny. Fluffy dreams of being free and loved. When his time finally comes, Fluffy is dragged, tossed, squeezed, and even ignored. Fluffy finally feels loved until the other bunny is discovered; Max is sent back to the sock drawer with memories of bike rides and more. Will Max remember all the fun they had, too? Will he ever ask for Fluffy, again?

Most parents are familiar with favorite stuffed animals and the fear of loss and tears. The Backup Bunny gives them an idea on how to avert disaster. Fluffy’s need to be loved will stir the hearts of the young and old. Rayner’s cheeky sense of humor shines, as well. Mom’s sock drawer has a whole new meaning. I hope to see more of her work in the future.

The book cover by Greg Stones is what first drew me to The Backup Bunny. His illustrations are colorful and amusing. Greg illustrates his own children books, as well.

Reviewed 2018