Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Greenwillow (Harper Collins)
Release Date: September 21, 2004
ISBN: 0-06-057838-6
Format Reviewed: Hardcover
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Genre:   Nonfiction / States / History [Ages 7-12]
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Carisa Weeaks
Reviewer Notes:  

The Train of States 
By Peter Sís

      Fifty states that make up one country – each with its own date of recognition and symbolic beauty – each given their own train car to display what makes them the magnificent states they are. From Delaware to Hawaii, this book by Peter Sís covers each state, their capitols, flowers, birds, trees, and nicknames, with amazing illustrations accompanying each one. Each train car is a full-page illustration and is colorful as well as packed with facts.

       As I read this, I revisited the days in my elementary school when we were taught the states and capitols. I love the originality of this book and the illustrations are incredible! I highly recommend this book for anyone who loves learning interesting facts about the U.S. or just loves to read.