While Mortals Sleep by Jack Cavanaugh
Songs in the Night, No. 1
Bethany House Publishers - October 2001
ISBN: 0764223070 - Paperback
Historical Christian - 1939, Germany

Reviewed by Renee Wampler, MyShelf.com
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This story takes place in Nazi, Germany, at a time when people are subject to censorship and extreme prejudice. Being the pastor of a church and a Christian are great challenges for Josef Schumacher. He feels responsible for the country's youth that are being influenced by such radicals, and is desperate to keep his Christian beliefs alive in Germany.

In reading this tale, I felt a sense of admiration for Josef, who stands up for his beliefs during such difficult times. Josef's wife, Maddy, is pregnant with their first child. They fear the condition of the world in which the child will be brought up. As a pastor, Josef must go beyond the normal call to make Germany a better place to live.

This book gave me an in-depth understanding of the people living in this turbulent place during this time. I felt that this time in history was a true test of Josef's faith in God. This is a great book for history buffs, or for anyone that enjoys tales of the triumph of good over evil.

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