Nights in Rodanthe (Review 2)
By Nicholas Sparks
Warner Books - September 2002
ISBN 0-446-53133-2 - Hardback
Literary / Contemporary Women's Fiction

Reviewed by Mary Lynn, MyShelf.Com
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In Nights in Rodanthe, Adrienne Willis and Paul Flanner, meet for what turns out to be a faithful few days and night at an inn in North Carolina during an approaching storm. Both are trying to put their lives back together after divorce. Adrienne is there to watch the inn for a friend over a long weekend. Paul is there at the request of a patient's husband. Neither is prepared for what their few nights together will mean.

Nights in Rodanthe was my first Nicholas Sparks book. He has an excellent ability to turn descriptive phases that gave me a sense of actually being in the scene. I felt as if I were standing in front of the inn described in the opening of the book. When Paul made the long drive to Rodanthe, I was in the car with him. It was also nice that Paul and Adrienne were older than typical romance novel hero and heroines. The love scenes between Adrienne and Paul were tender and well written.

On the other hand, Adrienne promises too many times to tell about her nights in Rodanthe before she finally does. As a result, one than once, I found myself wanting to skip some of the many flashbacks and get to the meat of the story.

Although a pleasant enough read, Nights in Rodanthe did not leave me waiting in eager expectation for Mr. Sparks' next book nor send me rushing to the bookstore in search of his backlist.

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