Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Ya-Yas in Bloom

by Rebecca Wells

      As readers wind through the maze of adventures of the four little girls who grow up into the women known to the world as the Ya-Yas, we come to identify with the unique personalities of Vivi, Teensy, Neecie and Caro. We also grow with them and meet their children, the Petite YaYas, and grandchildren, Tres Petite YaYas, along with a lavish buffet of deep southern traditions.

Author Rebecca Wells puts forth a good effort to draw the reader into this Louisiana adventure that spans three generations, from a pecan in the nose of Teensy in the ‘30s to the kidnapping of baby Rosalyn two generations later. Ms. Wells wraps up the book with a section that comforts the reader and leaves you with good feelings.

The story is intended to hold your attention, but unfortunately this reviewer was hard pressed to stick with the book, as I found it disjointed and hard to follow. Much as I loved the predecessor, The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, I found myself wishing that I had it as a guide to get through Ya-Yas in Bloom.

There were also inconsistencies that had little to do with the plot, but interrupt the storyline when the reader discovers that they exist. Nothing major, but enough to make one wonder if the book was written in a hurry.

If you plan to read this book, I'd suggest that you rent the movie (The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood) or glance through the book, as a "refresher course" of sorts. I suppose an ardent, die-hard Ya-Ya fan will enjoy this book and the expanding story line that it offers, along with a peek into the future of the four "sisters". Although it has its charming moments, I would have to give it a pass and settle for using my memory about the girls' past and my imagination for their futures.

The Book

April 11, 2006
More at
NOTE: By the award winning author of The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

The Reviewer

Jerry Parzer
Reviewed 2006
© 2006