Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Jewel Trader of the Pegu
A Novel

by Jeffrey Hantover

      I looked forward to reviewing this book because of the contextual blending of 16th century European and East Indian history, legend, folklore, culture, and storyline the advance promised. Unfortunately, I had a few more books in front to get done before I could sit in a nice quiet place and thoroughly enjoy this one. Though it's a rather short novel, I found myself needing to rush through it to get a review done, but wanting to sit longer and longer with it simply to enjoy the trip. I was always caught between the need to rush and the desire to relax. But that perhaps is the keynote of this novel.  It's a sad novel, but not in the way that brings tears or alienation or abandonment. It's a kind of sadness that brings relief and hope. It's a kind of sadness that settles the fears we have about ourselves.

I encourage future readers of this book not to do as I did, not to fight the need to rush and to relax at once. I encourage you to relax, to let Jeffrey Hantover dictate the speed through which you travel back into a time, a place, and a culture that somehow, and I didn't take the time regrettably, that helps make sense of our time and our place and our culture. I will read this book again, but only when the rush to get through it for another book is no longer an issue. I'll find that quiet place and let the author work his craft and I'll be better for it.

The Book

January 2008
Fiction / history, 16th century
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The Reviewer

Chris Querry
Reviewed 2008
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