Another Review at MyShelf.Com


by Michelle Huneven


I had never read a book written by Michelle Huneven, so I thought I would give this one a try.  I am glad that I did.

I recently had the opportunity to go on a cruise in the Caribbean, and so I thought, let's take this book and give it a shot while I am out there relaxing on the open waters.  My mom didn't happen to have a book to read, so I offered it to her.  For what ever reason, she just couldn't get into it.  So I finished the other book I was reading and took this one back.   I am glad that I did!  While the book was a bit slow taking off, it was written very well and had a great storyline.  So my hat is off to you Michelle!

Patsy MacLemoore has ived a hectic life of too much drinking and partying and unfortunately it catches up to her.  She finds herself in big trouble after a night out that she doesn't remember.  Two people were killed when they were hit by her car, and Patsy was the driver.  This is not the first problem that Patsy has faced due to her drinking; it is in fact the third time that she has found herself in a position of not remembering what happened and what she did the night before.  Enough is enough, she has to take control of her life and this time around, she will end up in jail.

Two years may not seem like a long time for most of us, but take away everything that you know and end up locked away in a place without the luxuries of home and it feels like an eternity.  Patsy decides early on that she will take what the judge gives her and make the most of her time behind bars.  She will get out early due to good behavior and she will change the course of her life.

Two years into the future...

Patsy is released from jail just shy of her two year mark, because she got with the program and turned her life around.  Feeling guilty every day keeps Patsy moving forward to improve who she used to be and if that means going to AA meetings every day, that is what she will do.

Patsy finds out that the friends she used to have are no longer her friends, but she makes new ones and that is enough for her.  That guilty feeling doesn't go away, she killed two people.  The only good that came out of this situation is her new life, her new outlook on life and her new friends, friends that she knows are true to their word and will help her change for the better.

I found this to be a well written and very informative book.  Since I have never had a drinking problem, I was not aware that AA has so much support to offer.  I now see why AA is as successful as it is.  Support is the key to making sure that you stay on track and keep with the program.  I applaud all that have had that struggle.   I am glad that I kept reading this book and I enjoyed the story.  Great job Michelle!

The Book

Sarah Crichton Books / FSG
September 2009
Fiction / Addiction / Recovery
More at

The Reviewer

Sandie Vega
Reviewed 2009
© 2009