Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Messiah Interviews
Belonging to God

by Jerry J. Pollock


To say this is an interesting read is an understatement. Jerry Pollock describes the book as a "spiritual 'not so fictional' novel." Our hero, a thinly veiled version of the novelist himself, is called before a council of biblical sages—Moses, Abraham, Jacob, and David—to be questioned about whether or not he is the anointed one to lead the world into the Messianic age. The questions posed by the sages are extremely interesting as are the answers. As such, Messiah Interviews carries along nicely and entertains as well as instructs in biblical history and particulars of Torah.

The lens through which I read a religious book or text is of a particular and theologically traditional sort. With that said, I ask the reader to be his own judge and understand that what I have to say is only one traditionalist's perspective. What strikes me as questionable is Pollock's description of the book as "not so fictional." As a traditionalist, I must question the lens through which he sees the nature of the book. Is this fiction? Is it hopeful? Is it expected? Is our hero the chosen Messiah once his spiritual mission on Earth is finished? Or has Pollock too closely fused fiction and aspiration? I ask the reader to judge for himself and set my lens aside. In any case, Messiah Interviews is an interesting read and well worth the time to ponder the questions it introduces and to answer its call for a closer relationship with God during our lifetime now.

The Book

Shechinah Third Temple, Inc.
January 2009
978-09817212-0-0 / 0981721206
Religious / inspirational fiction
More at

The Reviewer

Chris Querry
Reviewed 2009
© 2009