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Please Sir!
Teacher Series – Book V
Jack Sheffield

Bantam Press (Transworld UK)
27 January 2011 / ISBN 9780593065686
General Fiction / 1981-82 Yorkshire, England
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Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde

Headmaster Jack Sheffield is back to the chalk face for another hectic year of school and village related incidents. Caretaker Ruby comes face-to-face with a Butlin’s Redcoat she once had a fling with, the school gets a computer, Vera has her own “brief encounter,” and Jack has wedding bells of his own to deal with.

Anybody who is still having withdrawal symptoms following the demise of Heartbeat (my hand is up) is sure to love this series of tales about Ragley-on-the-Forest and its primary school. This fifth installment has perhaps more to say about the adult residents of the village than the children, but there are still many funny and thoughtful moments. The world is changing, and the villagers’ lives are touched by the Falklands War and the Royal Wedding as well as by the arrival of the computer and rumblings of a national curriculum. There is so much to enjoy as usual, whether it is the social history of a recent but now remote-seeming period or the antics of the larger-than-life characters that the end of the book came too soon. Mr Sheffield has a nice balance between the two, and has the period spot on as well as the unique charm of “God’s Own County.” I hope this series continues for some time yet, and it is certainly one that would dramatise well for TV.

Reviewer's Note:


Reviewed 2011
© 2011