Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Riding with the Leader of the Pack
T.J. Haynes

Posse Management Publishing
August 31, 2009 / ISBN 978-0982470008
Fiction / Adventure /Motorcycle

Reviewed by Dennis Collins

Josh Dery is a casual motorcycle rider who likes to spend his weekends riding with friends. He doesn’t think too much of it when his buddies ask him to lead a ride for them. It doesn’t take long for Josh to realize that he’s ill prepared for the responsibility of leadership. A highway mishap leads to Josh’s appearance before a local judge who fiercely rips into Josh for his lack of rider knowledge and judgment. The judge “sentences” Josh to counseling by legendary biker and local folk hero, “Big Lou.”

Big Lou is a man with a big reputation and revered by the local biker community. He is a man with a mysterious past but his self-assuredness leaves no doubt about his riding expertise. At first Lou seems bothered by Josh’s intrusion into his private world and sees his first priority as teaching the importance of respect to his new student. It’s a tenuous beginning that has Josh wondering if he can survive the bootcamp-like lessons ahead of him.

Soon Big Lou invites Josh to ride with him and their adventure begins with disappointing results. Josh is an undisciplined rider and Big Lou is trying to teach him to become a leader. It’s a rocky road as Big Lou insists on structured riding and Josh constantly succumbs to the rapture of the open road. Eventually Big Lou’s patience pays off as Josh begins to grasp the logic and the weight of responsibility that a leader must assume.

Finally, Big Lou Assigns Josh the task of being a full “Road Captain,” planning, organizing, and leading a group ride. It will be Josh’s final exam and graduation all rolled into one. When the big day arrives, Josh is experiencing a combination of fear and confidence. Everything seems to work out perfectly and they reach their final destination. And then things go horribly wrong.

I decided to step away from reviewing mysteries for a month so that I could recommend this important book to all motorcycle riders. As a bona fide Road Captain with over ten years experience leading rides with my local Harley Owner’s Group (H.O.G.) chapter, I know the importance of safe, structured riding. Our Road Captains have all received rider training instruction as well as accident scene management training. Many of us are also certified in CPR and first aid.

This book addresses the need for safe riding while supporting the adventure of the wind in your face. Riding with the Leader of the Pack provides an accurate view of the challenges of group riding and addresses all of the right things. Author T.J. Haynes, a certified motorcycle safety instructor, is well qualified to write this book.

If you ride, read this book.

Reviewer's Note:

Reviewed 2011
© 2011