Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Death of Lyndon Wilder
E A Dineley

Corsair (Constable and Robinson)
7 March 2014 / ISBN 9781780332277
General Fiction

Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde


Young Anna Arbuthnot has taken up the position of governess at Ridley to a young girl. Her soldier father has recently died in battle, and the house is in mourning. Lord Charles Wilder is deeply saddened by the loss of his elder son, but his wife is devastated for she doted on him and regarded him as a saintly being. Lyndon'’s younger brother Thomas is also at war, but must return home to take up his position as heir. But nothing is quite as it seems…

A fat Regency romance novel is a thing to be treasured, and this one has much to recommend it. There is a lot more in here than just romance to start with, and indeed the romantic parts of the book are not very numerous and suffer by being lukewarm at best. This book is better described as a historical novel, and as such it truly does deliver the goods. If you want a truly detailed description of life in a country house during this period, hear about a soldier'’s lot at the front and discover what people ate, talked about, passed the time doing etc then this is a good place to find out about it. Anna'’s letters home are a delight too, and give more of aan insight into her character than the third person narrative. There are not many characters but you do end up getting under the skin of at least some of them throughout what is quite an awesomely long novel. I didn'’t guess what the surprise at the end was going to be which is all to the good, and having found out about a sequel am eager to discover what happens next, especially as it has this novel'’s most interesting character as the protagonist. Not a romance, not a mystery but an intriguing and informative historical novel.

Reviewed 2014