Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Ice Cream Queen of Orchard Street [review 2]
Susan Jane Gilman
Read by Susan Jane Gilman

Hatchette Audio
June 10, 2014/ ISBN

Reviewed by Tiffany Artiaga


I didn’t like this audiobook very much. For three-quarters of the story I wasn’t sure if this was a work of fiction or if it was a true account of the author’s life. I loved the parts of the story where the author used a lot of description about the certain times (1920s, 1930s, etc.) and places that the main character and her family had lived and gone through, but I found a lot of problems with the story as well.

One of the things I didn’t like was how Ms. Gilman used a lot of Jewish or Russian words, but didn’t explain what they meant. While I was listening to the story I was getting into the life and times of “Malka,” but then there would be a few Russian or Jewish words thrown in, and I would lose concentration because I couldn’t figure out what the word meant. I feel it would have been better had another CD been included that gave the English word or definition for the word that was said. Or there should have been an extra part on the CD to put into the computer to look at the words and different definitions.

I also didn’t like how the author used quite a bit of cussing in the story and I didn’t like how Ms. Gilman used God***n as much. I think she didn’t have to use so much cursing in the story to get her point across. I found it hard to keep listening to the story when there were so many curse words being used.

I loved how much personality Malka had, but I didn’t like the way her mother treated her, especially before they went to America and after her leg was broken. I thought the mom should have been more sympathetic and loving. I hope the book version of this novel is better than the audiobook, and hopefully Ms. Gilman provided different versions or definitions for the Russian or Jewish words used. I think if she had included that then the book would have been better. Out of a score of 10 I give The Ice Cream Queen of Orchard Street a “4” and Ms. Gilman a “6.”

The Ice Cream Queen of Orchard Street [review 1]

Reviewed 2014