Quirks, Idiosyncrasies, and Meshugaas
By Judy Reiser
Katalin Media - 2001
ISBN: 0970761902 - Paperback
Non-Fiction / Humor
Age Group: Ages 6-106

Reviewed by: Suzie Housley,
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Within minutes of first opening Judy Reiser's AND I THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY! QUIRKS, IDIOSYNCRASIES, AND MESHUGAAS I found myself laughing out loud at the confessions revealed. In this delightful novel, you will find a treasure chest of some of the funniest, strangest, warmest, and touching ideas I have every heard of. What I found that made this book unique was that all the stories are based on true facts collected by the author. Over 2000 interviews were conducted in order to create this book and its sequel.

After reading this book, I must admit I felt better knowing other people shared some of my own habits. In fact, in reading some of these ideas, it made me want to go out and give them a try! This book is designed to help make you realize it is perfectly acceptable to do things differently. Readers will find themselves breathing a little easier knowing they are not alone in their belief that they know the correct way to hang toilet paper. Another thing I found fascinating was this book is designed to be read as little or as much as your schedule will allow. You will be glad to hear there is no set age limit in reading this book. Its content will be well received by anyone from the ages of 6-106.

Laughter is one of the key elements required to deal with life's everyday struggles. I feel this book is just what the doctor would order to ensure you have a double dose of happiness to add to your daily life.

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