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Publisher: Loyola Press
Release Date:
ISBN: 0-8294-1769-9
Format Reviewed: Hardcover
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Genre:   Nonfiction /Inspirational/Poetry
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Sarah Lomas
Reviewer Notes:  

A New Mother's Prayers
By Jayne Jaudon Ferrer

      Jayne Jaudon Ferrer has created a delightful collection of thirty-five short poems about the feelings a new mother goes through. Each poem is formatted as a little prayer to God either expressing joy, wonder, frustration, or exhaustion. The feelings and descriptions conveyed by Ferrer's heartfelt words should resonate with mothers, caretakers, and anyone with an interest in motherhood.

      Ferrer writes simply, but her poems convey deep emotions and add a realistic flavor to the joys and sorrows of motherhood. A general overview of mothering, this slender volume is perfect for expectant mothers, long-time mothers, and women who hope to become a mother.