Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Culture Shift
Engaging Current Issues with Timeless Truth

by R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

      Culture Shift, by R. Albert Mohler Jr., is an eye-opening series of essays dealing with the shift in culture, and Mohler’s suggestions on how today’s Christians can deal with the shift and still remain steadfast in their beliefs.

When a reader understands that Mohler is president of the Southern Theological Seminary, he might expect the essays to be hard-nosed on the side of religion. Such is not the case. In each of these twenty essays, ("Christian Faith and Politics," "The Abortion Debate," "Christian Response to Global Tragedies," and seventeen others) he sees the need for give and take on matters where the religious community differs in opinion with the secular opinion. In his essay "Christian Morality and Law," he insists that all people (including Christians) have a right to express their view. In a similar essay, "The Culture of Offendedness," surprisingly Mohler states that he not only expects to be offended but graciously extends the right to those who offend him to do so.

When discussing topics that have caused a great deal of debate lately - 9/11 and God and the tsunami - Mohler doesn’t offer some pie-in-the-sky explanation that will placate both Christians and secularists. He offers a very good guideline: "We must speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where Scripture is silent."

In these short essays (nearly all can be read within five minutes), Mohler discusses some problems our nation is facing and offers viable solutions. The reader won’t agree with all his assessments, but his arguments are civil and rational.

The Book

Multnomah Books
January 15, 2008
Non Fiction - essays
More at

The Reviewer

Willie Elliott
Reviewed 2008
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