Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Is It Just Me or Is Everything Shit?
Annoying Modern Things

by Steve Lowe, Alan McArthur and Brendan Hay

      Steve Lowe and Alan McArthur wrote two books for the U. K. market which found that many of the current elements of culture smell, well, a lot like fecal matter.  Brendan Hay was brought in to vilify American culture in the latest, Is It Just Me or Is Everything Shit?

The book is basically an alphabetized list of culture elements that the authors find revolting or, using a form of their own word, "shitty," and there is a lot that they find fault with in today’s culture.

Samples from the beginning of the alphabet, to the middle, and then the end will give the reader a taste of what is in store for him.

A—Abstinence proposals—Let only God touch you, not some hormone-crazed sex fiend....

M—Mac Junkies—The Mac junkie will crap on without end about how Mircosoft is a big bad nasty corporation, and Apple’s what—a workers’co-op...

W—Washed and ready to eat vegetables—fantastic way for supermarkets to turn a bag of carrots at 79 cents per pound into a box of scrubbed carrots at $3 per pound...

The authors bash the culture elements in a humorous way, but they use the four-letter "f" word way too much.  Since the book is a list, the reading tends to get a little boring (despite the humor).  It may be best to read the book a few letters at a time—say "a" to "d" and similar chunks of reading.

The book does convince us that there is a lot to be put off by in our current culture and, since we are we putting off, we may as well enjoy ourselves while being reminded of them.

The Book

Grand Central Publishing
November 12, 2008
Nonfiction / Humor
More at
NOTE: Sex and profuse use of the four letter "f" word

The Reviewer

Willie Elliott
Reviewed 2008
© 2008