Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Last Child in the Woods:
Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder

by Richard Louv

      Louv believes that today's kids are disconnected from the natural world. He contends that exposure to nature is a powerful force of therapy for attention deficit disorder and other maladies. Yet, today, children are more likely to attend computer camps or weight loss camps instead of hiking, swimming, etc.

There should be a return to the awareness and appreciation of the natural world. Nature can teach kids science and natural creativity. Boys and girls have a "denatural" childhood. A whole generation of children have lost touch with the natural world around them. They must get out of the house and see the world around them. Parents and teachers need to make an effort to help their children discover nature's environment if our future generations are going to learn to care about the environment and preserve its world. It is up to parents and teachers to foster this appreciation.

The Book

Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill
April 10, 2008
Nonfiction / Health
More at

The Reviewer

Barbara Buhrer
Reviewed 2008
© 2008