Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Too Safe For Their Own Good:
How Risk and Responsibility Help Teens Thrive

by Michael Ungar, Ph.D.

      Too Safe For Their Own Good:  How Risk and Responsibility Help Teens Thrive is a must read for all parents who want their children to mature naturally and make it in the world as adults.  This book is full of common sense and points out to us that it is time to quit "bubble wrapping" our children.  Never before have children been so safe but is that really a good thing?  By "protecting" our children we are creating a generation of youth who are not ready for life's challenges.

In order to mature, children need opportunities to fail, and to fail often enough to learn how to pick themselves back up.  Our overprotection of our children leaves them unable to cope and unable to navigate their way through life's challenges, opening them up to drugs, violence, and teen pregnancy as ways to cope.

We have to let kids experience some knocks in life in order to become well grounded and develop coping mechanisms which will help them become responsible adults.  No one, child or adult, can succeed without being willing to risk failure.

Too Safe For Their Own Good:  How Risk and Responsibility Help Teens Thrive contains true stories of what can happen when children are too protected — true stories, told by real kids.

The Book

McClelland & Stewart Ltd.
February 13, 2007
Trade Paperback
Non-fiction / General / Families
More at

The Reviewer

Connie Harris
Reviewed 2008
© 2008