Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Love God, Heal Earth
21 Leading Religious Voices Speak Out on Our Sacred Duty to Protect the Environment

by The Rev. Canon Sally G. Bingham


If you are looking for a book about simple ways to live a greener lifestyle, there are other books out there that would be more appropriate for you. However, for those with decision-making influence in religious congregations, or for those who already have an understanding of the issues that face our environment, Love God, Heal Earth may prove useful. Love God, Heal Earth provides you the research and the precedent from other congregations to help you create a more Earth conscious membership in yours. Each chapter is written by a member of the clergy who has experience dealing with some aspect of creating a better environment.

For those on the outside of the world of environmental politics, Love God, Heal Earth may require some stretching to understand and accept the ideas that are put forth. If you do not already share the mindset that churches should be involved in environmental action and policy making, you may have to reach deeper to understand exactly what is required of you in your relationship to the Earth because of your beliefs in God. Reading Love God, Heal Earth can give you a much greater appreciation for the world and the beautiful creation that we call home.

Unitarians, Methodists, Jews, Episcopalians, Muslims, Budhists and Catholics will find themselves represented through whole chapters in Love God, Heal Earth, while those of other denominations will be left wondering what their denomination's stance on environmental issues might be. An effort was made to include a well-balanced array of commentators. Overall, this book challenges our way of doing and being, urging us to be more vocal more about the world will live in.

The Book

St. Lynn's Press
February 2009
Religion / Environmentalism
More at

The Reviewer

Donna Ross
Reviewed 2009
NOTE: Reviewer Donna Satterlee Ross is the co-editor of That's Life with Autism: Tales And Tips for Families With Autism and is currently working on a new book about autism and humor.
© 2009