Another Review at MyShelf.Com

When Teachers Talk
Principal Abuse of Teachers
The Untold Story

by Rosalyn Susanna Shnall


As a retired teacher with many years of experience in the classroom Ms. Shnall can write with knowledge about the alarming state of morale of the teachers in the American public school system.

She has taken a survey of the Chicago and New York City teachers, which reveals their oppressive teaching conditions. The teachers describe in detail the abuse both of teachers and students by the schools’ administrators. Good principals enhance a teacher's effectiveness and have a positive effect on the students. But these seem to be in short supply. Many principals are biased, politically motivated and, more often than not, unqualified for the positions they hold. Few have enough experience in the classroom to qualify them to judge and guide the teachers themselves. The teachers must deal with the stress caused by their administrators. They receive little support and are harassed in some cases by vindictive supervisors. There is a lack of security, and in many cases unsafe environments.

Teachers are asked for their solutions to these problems. But it remains for others to address the situation. This should be necessary reading for educators, parents, elected officials and higher education professionals.

The Book

Goldenring Publishing LLC
November 2009
Trade paperback
Nonfiction / Education
More at

The Reviewer

Barbara Buhrer
Reviewed 2010
© 2010