Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents Earth
The Audiobook
A Visitor's Guide to the Human Race

Jon Stewart

Hachette Audio Grand Central
October 2010/ ISBN 978-1-60788-615-0
Non-fiction / Humor

Reviewed by Carmen Ferreiro

As the audio book starts, the voice of Jon Stewart tells us we are about to hear a recompilation of facts that explain Earth and the Human Race to future visitors from outer space, in the event we have become extinct by the time they come. It also informs these possible aliens of the existence of two banks of human DNA and its locations in case the aliens have the technology and the interest to create humans once again. Maybe this next time, with the aliens' help, we won't make a mess of our planet Earth.

Then, organized in nine chapters encyclopedia style, the audio provides an irreverent look at Earth, Life, Man, The Cycle of Life, Society, Commerce, Religion, Science and Culture.

Although the information is hardly above the level of a six grade textbook, the humorous and sarcastic take on these themes may work well for Jon Stewart's fans.

My favorite part was the Aliens questions that came at the end of each chapter under the Title FAQ or Future Alien Questions.

The book itself relies heavily on pictures. The pictures, of course, are missing in the audio book. Somehow, I didn't find this a handicap, for the text conveys the information on its own and the dry voice of Jon Stewart helps bring the appropriate punch to the lines.

Sigourney Weaver, Samantha Bee, Wyatt Cenac, Jason Jones, and John Oliver also read.

Reviewer's Note: Audiobook/ Unabridged edition / 3 CDs /3 hours

Reviewed 2011
© 2011