Another Review at MyShelf.Com

A Silent Cheer
Against the Odds
Dr. Emily Roback and Faye Roback-Jones

November 9, 2012

10: 1475952333


Reviewed by Nicole Merritt

This is a book of triumph.  It is not just the story of a woman who at three was diagnosed with profound hearing loss.  It is a story of a determined mother of four, raising children without a husband or father.  Emily’s journey takes the reader through years of challenges that transformed her from disabled to survivor. Emily was destined for greatness and went on to become a doctor of chiropractic and achieved renowned success in Canada.

Anyone who has ever struggled with a disability or parents that have lived through the heartbreak of trying to gain access for a handicapped child to a normal life, will find Emily’s story inspiring.  Along with the absence of a supportive father, life was hard for the whole family.  It is a credit to Emily’s mother, that her daughter reached the pinnacle she did.

It shows that anyone who endures can find limitless success in his or her life.  This is a quick readable book for a fast plane ride or commute.

Reviewer's Note: Deaf/Hard of Hearing Related
Reviewed 2013