Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Chronicles of John Titor II
Bob Mitchell, John Titor, Jason Quitt

Create Space
August 28, 2016/ ISBN 978-1537354774
Spirituality/New Age/Science/Paranormal

Reviewed by Laura Hinds


Disclosed: Chronicles of John Titor II is a fascinating read. It's also a difficult read because of the depressing nature of the future of the Earth and of mankind as told by time traveler John Titor II. I found myself riveted to the story and read late into the night. From the outset, the book read in a forthright manner, with the story of John's military training and the missions he was sent on expressed in a way that made me believe every word. To me, it is obvious that the governments of the world have been withholding information about life on other planets and their visits to Earth. The explanations of how the crafts are propelled makes perfect sense. Putting the time travel element well into the future, but specifically to 2050, was also believable, and what was found there extremely upsetting.

I was, however, very fascinated by the tales of what John Titor reports really happened with the JFK assassination, as well as those of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. If you have a measure of curiosity and open-mindedness, you won’t be disappointed in these chapters.

While I highly recommend this book to those who want a glimpse into what may in fact lie ahead, and to those who are scientifically minded, it is not for the faint of heart. As much as I liked the book and felt compelled to keep reading until the end, I have to say that I hope that some of it is fiction or that we of the human species can wake up soon enough to change the course of our future. This is a really deep and unique book.

Reviewed 2016