By John Sandford
Putnam Books - 2000
ISBN:  039914496X - Paperback
Reviewed by: Pam Stone, MyShelf.Com
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This is the 10th installment of John Sandford’s Prey series with his protagonist Minneapolis police detective Lucas Davenport. 

Lucas Davenport confronts a new kind of adversary this time, a woman named Clara Rinker, and she is the best-hit woman in the business. Attorney Carmel Loan hires Clara Rinker when she wants barrister Hale Allen all to herself and wants Allen's wife out of the picture. This time things go wrong for Rinker. She leaves a witness who happens to be a cop. Carmel and Rinker team up together to clean up the loose ends, including Davenport. 

This book is filled with brilliant characters and is an exceptional thriller.  Sandford keeps the level of suspense at a fevered pitch as he shifts viewpoints between the women and Davenport. It is a very well written and fast-paced book.  This book is not for the faint of heart; it has a lot of gore, sex and to many bodies to keep track of, but even with that this is one great book to read. 

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