St. Martin's Press - 2001
ISBN: 0312244274 / Hardcover

Reviewed by Elaine Broome,
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Dazzling lights, crowds of people, a constant hum of energy ... that describes the Hong Kong setting of S.J. Rozan's new book, REFLECTING THE SKY. Rozan sends P.I.'s Lydia Chin and Bill Smith to Hong Kong on a cryptic errand for Chinatown sage Grandfather Gao. Told in Lydia's voice, the story takes the partners from New York to the serpentine streets of Hong Kong where they find that nothing is as they expected. Now officially partners, Lydia and Bill are hired by Grandfather Gao to deliver a piece of jade to the family of a deceased friend. As soon as they arrive in Hong Kong, they are plunged into a whirl of family secrets, kidnapping, and violence. It seems that danger lurks around every corner. 

Although REFLECTING THE SKY is part of a wonderful series, it is fully capable of standing on its own merits. And, believe me, it has plenty of merits. It has a complex and fascinating plot; every time you think you've caught on, there's yet another wrinkle. It has great characters full of intelligence and heart. Lydia Chin and Bill Smith are even more human and more real than ever before. 

And, this book has Hong Kong. It is a larger than life character throughout the book. Rozan makes you touch the energy, see the glow of the lights, and feel the oppressive heat. Even in this clever and engrossing series, this book is a standout. It is just terrific - one of those books that you can't stop reading! 

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