Body in the Bonfire
A Faith Fairchild Mystery
By Katherine Hall Page
Harper Collins - 2002
ISBN: 0380978431 - Hardcover
Mystery / Suspense/ Amateur Sleuth

Reviewed by: Barbara Buhrer, MyShelf.Com
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At Mansfield Academy boarding school in a small town outside Boston
Faith Fairchild takes time from her catering business to teach a cooking class. Her friend, Patsy Avery, enlisted her aid to find out who is harassing black student Daryl Martin, a top athlete and scholar. There are hateful e-mails and a noose left under Daryl's pillow. Faith identifies the harasser as Sloane Baxton, the aristocratic and handsome leader of a campus clique.

When Sloane's body is found in the embers of the traditional bonfire, Daryl is the prime suspect, though many others are connected to the bigotry and hatred. Faith's own life is threatened before she can reach a conclusion.

There are a number of issues dealt with here: racial prejudice, academic infighting and academic politics, all of which make for a fast moving, well-constructed story. There is no lack of characters, all of who are made very real with their prejudices and hatreds.

A bonus to this excellent read is a section at the end of the book containing Faith's taste-tempting recipes.

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