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Publisher: Warner Books
Release Date: March 17, 2003
ISBN: 0-446-52796-6
Format Reviewed: Hardcover
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Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Jo Rogers
Reviewer Notes: Language, Violence, Sexual situations

The Discrete Charm of Charlie Monk
By David Ambrose 

     Charlie Monk is a happy man, satisfied with his life as a covert agent for the United States Government. Dr. Susan Flemyng is also happy with her research in amnesia, trying to find a way to cure it. There is no reason their paths should cross.

    Charlie is single and likes it that way. He has all the women he wants. He remembers a childhood in an orphanage, going to a coed school where he met and fell in love with Kathy. Only one thing bothers him. He can’t remember what Kathy looks like.

     Dr. Flemyng is happily married to Dr. John Flemyng and they have a seven-year-old son, Christopher. She has been working with Brian Key, a victim of a viral induced amnesia. He can remember everything up to the time he got sick, twenty years ago. He cannot remember anything of his illness or anything else. He cannot remember seeing his wife the day before. He is shocked every time she comes in to see him, because he doesn’t remember that she has aged. For him, the illness was just yesterday.

     Now, Susan has been able to plant a memory in Key’s mind. He is no longer shocked at his wife’s appearance. For this reason, she has been forced to aid in an experiment involving Charlie. She doesn’t want to participate. But when her husband is murdered and her son is kidnapped, she has no choice.

     The Discrete Charm of Charlie Monk is a tale of danger, fear and confusion as Charlie and Susan both learn how far unscrupulous governments will go to achieve what they want, whether it is actually necessary or not. It is a frightening look at power and science with no conscience. It’s also a look at just how much courage can do to right a wrong. It’s a great read.

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